English Version / TPM Concepts and Literature Review / Concept
TPM Basic Concepts And Structures
As noted earlier in the is paper, the working definition for TPM is; Total Productive Manufacturing is a structured equipment-centric continuous improvement process that strives to optimize production effectiveness by identifying and eliminating equipment and production efficiency losses throughout the production system life cycle through active team-based participation of employees across alllevels of the operational hierarchy. The key elements of this definition will be investigated further.
Structured Continuous Improvement Process.
Optimized Equipment (Production) Effectiveness.
Team-based Improvement Activity.
Participation of employees across all levels of the operational hierarchy.
1. The TPM Structured Continuous Improvement Process
One of the most significant elements of TPM the structured TPM implementation process is that it is a consistent and repeatable methodology for continuous improvement. “For world-class competitors, minimal performance requirements include repetitive and predictable year-over-year actual per-unit cost reductions, ever-reducing variation, improved product quality, and extraordinary customer service. Winning requires an institutionalized management proof process that is sustainable despite changes in leadership, strategy, and business conditions – acorporate culture dedicated to manufacturing excellence.” [Elliot, 2001 #879 p. 7] While touring TPM Prize winning plants in Japan I observed, “All of the plants visited followed a strict JIPM TPM implementation process. The use of the 8 pillarsof TPM to focus attention on opportunities was evident in all of the visits.” (Pomorski1997 p. 3) This particular tour was biased towards the JIPM approach, since theywere the tour’s hosting organization, however, TPM literature clearly emphasizes the significance of a well-defined and structured approach to TPM implementation. V.A. Ames, former manager of SEMATECH’s TPM program, concurs that “following theprocess and fully completing all the requirements of a step or process before going onto the next one” is a key to a successful TPM effort. (Ames 2003 p. 3) A driving consideration for this structured approach is the fact that successful TPM implementation takes from three to five years, (Nakajima 1984; Nakajima 1988;Robinson and Ginder 1995; Society_of_Manufacturing_Engineers 1995; Ames 2003) with an average of three and a half years from introduction to achievement of TPM Prize winning results. (Wang and Lee 2001) “For the most part, participants talked about TPM as a long-term process, not a quick fix for today’s problems.” (Horner 1996 p. 9) Interestingly, of nine U.S. semiconductor companies interviewed on their TPM implementations, the two companies that most closely followed the JIPM structured process “gave the highest ranking to the question asking them to rate the effectiveness of TPM implementation as compared to their expectations.” (Horner1996 p. 3)
Although “there is no single right method for implementation of a T.P.M. program” (Wireman 1991 p. 17) and there has been “a complexity and divergence of TPM programs adopted throughout industry” (Bamber, Sharp et al. 1999 p. 165) it isclear that a structured implementation process is an identified success factor and akey element of TPM programs.
1.1 The Pillars of TPM
The principle activities of TPM are organized as ‘pillars’. Depending on the author, the naming and number of the pillars may differ slightly, however, the generally accepted model is based on Nakajima’s eight pillars* (Nakajima 1984;Nakajima 1988), as presented in Figure 3.
Figure 3 - TPM Pillars (Nakajima Model)
Some Western TPM practitioners have simplified the Nakajima model by eliminating pillars. Figure 4 for example, presents a five-pillar model that maps tofive of Nakajima’s pillars. (Yeomans and Millington 1997)
Figure 4 - TPM Pillars (Yoemans and Millington Model)
A similar simplified Western pillar model is presented in Figure 5. (Steinbacher and Steinbacher 1993) In this model, Training and Education are an integral element of the other pillars rather than a stand-alone pillar as in the Nakajima Model.
Figure 5 - TPM Pillars (Steinbacher and Steinbacher Model)
And in Figure 6. (Society_of_Manufacturing_Engineers 1995)
A core concept of TPM is that its implementation is based on a defined, structured, and repeatable implementation process. Elliott, discussing the development of world-class organizational performance, notes, “Winning requires an institutionalized management-proof process that is sustainable despite changes in leadership, strategy, and business conditions…” (Elliott 2001 p.7) He continues to say that “Manufacturing perfection is like any other form of excellence: It is a very defined combination of doing the right thing and doing it in an extra ordinary manner.” (Elliott 2001 p. 9) Nakajima developed the classic twelve-step TPM implementation process (Nakajima 1984; Nakajima 1988; Nakajima 1989) that has been the foundation for TPM implementation since 1984 (see Figure 27)**. Numerous TPM practitioners have suggested their own version of a TPM implementation process, however, most are a variation or simplification of the Nakajima model.
Figure 27 - TPM Implementation Process
A detailed implementation process for each of the twelve steps is furthersuggested. These step implementation processes are described in a number of TPM texts. (Nakajima 1984; Nakajima 1988; Nakajima 1989; Suzuki 1994; Shirose 1996) SEMATECH developed a TPM assessment and audit guide that provides a rating system to measure the effectiveness of implementation for each of the twelve steps. (SEMATECH-International 1996)
Productivity, Inc. proposes a TPM rollout plan that incorporates and expandson the Nakajima TPM implementation process, Figure 28.*** (Productivity 1999)
Figure 28 - Productivity, Inc. TPM Roll-out Plan
As frequently cited, companies alter the TPM implementation process to meettheir own needs. Thomas summarizes this approach and says, “…traditional processes still provide the best chance of success. That is not to say, however, that short cuts do not exist. I find that the best way of identifying short cuts is to first perform a pilot using traditional processes and tools. Only then can one best identify where to cut corners and where it is vital to take the extra time and use the extra resources to realize the desired benefits.” (Thomas 2003 p. 5)
Leflar suggests an example of a simplified TPM implementation process. (Leflar 2001)
1. Restore equipment to ‘new’ condition. [Focused Improvement and Autonomous Maintenance] a. Ensure that equipment is clean and free of humanly detectable minor defects. b. Create cleaning and inspection standards to keep machines in this condition. c. Create visual controls to rapidly identify variation from this condition.
2. Identify and complete maintenance plans. [Planned Maintenance] a. Create PM checklists. b. Establish schedules for PM execution. c. Create PM procedures. d. Specify equipment inspection procedures. e. Identify and standardize equipment replacement parts. f. Create equipment parts logs.g. Implement equipment quality checks.
3. Implement maintenance plans with precision. [Quality Maintenance] a. Complete all PM’s on time. b. Complete 100% of PM checklist items. c. Execute PM checklists without variation. d. Continually advance the knowledge and skill of the factory personnel.
4. Prevent recurring machine failure. a. Implement failure analysis to prevent recurring failure. b. Establish continuous PM evaluation and improvement (make PM’seasier, faster, better).
5. Improve machine productivity with the following methods. a. Lubrication analysis. b. Calibration and adjustment analysis. c. Quality maintenance analysis. d. Machine part analysis. e. Condition-of-use and life analysis. f. Productivity analysis. g. Extended condition monitoring. h. Continuous condition monitoring. i. Maintenance cost analysis.
Hartmann provides another TPM implementation process that simplifies the Nakajima implementation model. (Hartmann 1992)
Phase I – Improve equipment to its highest required level of performance and availability. [Focused Improvement]
Determine existing equipment performance and availability – currentOEE.
Determine equipment condition.
Determine current maintenance performed on equipment.
Analyze equipment losses. Develop and rank equipment improvement needs and opportunities.
Develop setup and changeover improvement needs and opportunities.
Execute improvement opportunities as planned and scheduled activity.
Check results and continue with improvement as required.
Phase II – Maintain equipment at its highest required level of performance and availability. [Autonomous Maintenance, Planned Maintenance, Quality Maintenance]
Develop planned maintenance, cleaning, and lubrication requirements foreach machine.
Develop planned maintenance, cleaning, and lubrication procedures.
Develop inspection procedures for each machine.
Phase III – Establish procedures to purchase new equipment and develop new processes with a defined level of high performance and low life cycle cost. [Maintenance Prevention, Quality Maintenance]
Develop engineering specifications.
Get feedback from production operations based on current equipment experience.
Get feedback from maintenance operations based on current equipment experience.
Eliminate past problems in new equipment and process technology design.
Design in diagnostic capabilities with new equipment and processes.
Start training on new equipment and processes early (prior to deployment).
Accept and deploy new equipment and processes only it they meet or exceed engineering specifications.
The TPM implementation process, at the highest level then, is simply initialization, implementation, and institutionalization. (Steinbacher and Steinbacher1993)
2. Overall Equipment Effectiveness
3. Team-based Improvement Activity (Small Group Activity – SGA)
4. Participation Across All Levels of the Operational Hierarchy “The goal of TPM is to maximize the overall effectiveness of the production system through total participation and respect for the individual.” (Suzuki 1994 p.354) As noted in the previous discussion on SGA’s, the top-to-bottom integration of TPM activity is accomplished through inter linking small groups. TPM activities are not voluntary but part of people’s daily work. (Suzuki 1994) That includes all levelsof the organization from top management to the shop floor workers.
4.1 Top-Level Management TPM Responsibilities
“The major issue to successful TPM implementation is manager participation,not just support or commitment, but being fully involved in determining strategy, learning the process by doing, coaching others, and assessing progress.” (Ames 2003p. 2) The top-level managers set the high level TPM policies and objectives, createthe TPM Promotion Office, and sponsor the TPM Steering Committee. They must also assign the resources to make TPM successful. That success relies, in part, in assigning top performers to roles within the TPM Promotions Office. “Everyone hasa lot on their plate and see TPM as something extra, so committing people to the program is tough…along these lines is the need for a TPM Coordinator. This is amust and it should be one of your best people. This is very hard to commit to in most factories.” (Ames 2003 p. 4)
Gardner concurs with the critical role that top-level management plays inTPM success, noting that a key success factor for TPM implementation at National Semiconductor is “stead fast top management support with the Managing Director visibly leading the change. The management model of top management actually rolling up their sleeves and doing a tool restoration over several months reinforces their learning and visibly demonstrates commitment.” (Gardner 2003 p. 1)
Top management plays the crucial role in TPM implementation of leading the paradigm shift. “The type of change called for in TPM is especially difficult because in many respects it pervades the fundamental nature of the company’s work culture. It reaches through and affects the entire organization.”(Society_of_Manufacturing_Engineers 1995 p. 25) Volker and Farrow recognize that during TPM introduction at Texas Instruments top managers must first change their own culture before leading the change throughout the organization. “The real key is changing the culture of the managers. The top manager is going to want TPM to happen, because it makes sense for the business. But the manager cannot just ‘want it to happen’ and continue in his or her job as before. He or she must also change. The manager has to change his/her actions so that TPM becomes something that is expected, not just something that has to be worked on when there is spare time. To the extent that TPM is seen as an additional task, it will fail. It must be seen as theway business is done.” (Volkert and Farrow 2000 p. 3) Tan notes that Fairchild Semiconductor has ensures continued management involvement in TPM by scheduling weekly ‘Interactive Walk abouts’ that include managers, the TPM Promotions Committee and TPM pillar leaders. (Tan, Hoh et al. 2003)
6.4.2 Middle Management TPM Responsibilities
Middle managers are responsible for establishing the departmental TPM policies based on the top management objectives. “This small group has the role of determining the departmental or sectional principles in accordance with basic TPM principles and major targets of the company, of breaking down major targets, and having frontline small groups set specific targets.” (Shirose 1996 p. 545) To effectively guide the shop floor TPM small groups, the middle managers must also actively participate in the TPM activities. (Suzuki 1994)
They are also responsible for managing their resources to effectively support the TPM activities of the shop floor SGA’s. “Middle managers, especially those infirst-line supervision and the next level, are in a critical position to support TPM.They are in a position, actually, to make or break the effectiveness of TPM. More people report to first-line supervisors in a company than any other level. Thus, thefirst-line supervisor is really in charge of most of the ingredients of productivity: the people, the assignment of schedules, the assignment of work, directing people, coaching, counseling, seeing that they get the right education and training…First-line supervisors must be committed to achieving the results of TPM, and they must have the opportunity to share their ideas for improving equipment effectiveness in the design of the company’s TPM strategy.” (Society_of_Manufacturing_Engineers 1995p. 24)
[Original: Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Concepts and Literature Review by Thomas R. Pomorski, Principal Consulting Engineer, Brooks Automation, Inc.]
* Note that Japanese terms for some if the pillars are included. See Appendix I for a review of Japanese terms that are commonly used in TPM programs.
** The first three columns (Phase, Step, Key Points) of the table are based on the Nakajima TPM implementation process Nakajima, S. (1984). Introduction to TPM: Total Productive Maintenance. Cambridge, MA, Productivity Press. Nakajima, S. (1988). Introduction to Total Productive Maintenance. Cambridge, MA, Productivity Press. Nakajima, S. (1989). TPM Development Program: Implementing Total Productive Maintenance. Portland, OR, Productivity Press.. The fourth column (Actions) expands on the Nakajima model by adding specific actions developed by the SEMATECH TPM Steering Committee. SEMATECH International(1998). SEMATECH Total Productive Manufacturing (TPM) Implementation Guide. Austin, TX, SEMATECH.
*** I have noted the steps in the Productivity, Inc. TPM roll-out plan that relate to specific TPM pillars in the Nakajima model (Figure 3 - TPM Pillars (Nakajima Model) in brackets. Although the Quality Maintenance and Safety and Environmental pillars are not specifically noted, they are inherent inactivities related to Focused Improvement, Autonomous Maintenance, Planned Maintenance, and Maintenance Prevention. Education and Training is, of course, associated with all of the TPM activities.