HOW TO WORK AS TPM PROMOTER - เจ้าหน้าที่ส่งเสริมกิจกรรม TPM ทำงานอย่างไร (The TPM Coordinator’s Workshop) - (หลักสูตรอบรมเชิงปฏิบัติการ)
Why This Course-หลักสูตรนี้ ทำไมต้องเรียน TPM requires constant coaching, reinforcement, following up, coordinating, and training to build a strong process. This requires the dedication of a TPM Coordinator (Work as TPM promoter) to facilitate the process at your operation. This course offers this extensive, intensive two-day, hands-on workshop designed to provide the necessary skills to help your TPM Coordinator. Coordinators are trained in the concepts of TPM, how to facilitate the process, how to measure TPM, as well as how to instruct others in TPM, and much more. Attendees learn by doing. The course comes with a TPM Coordinator’s WorkshopLearner’s Guide(Worksheet), Coordinator Manual (TPM PowerPoint training material)