English Version / TPM Concepts and Literature Review / Concept / AM / Initial Clean
Initial Clean
Cleaning equipment is typically the first phase in Autonomous Maintenance. Known as the Initial Clean within the AM program, this really means inspection of equipment. The philosophy being that in the process of cleaning the operator discovers fuguai. “From the TPM perspective…cleaning is aimed at exposing and eliminating hidden defects.” (Tajiri and Gotoh 1992 p. 86) The TPM Initial Clean is part of the early TPM training and is performed by a small team that includes the operator responsible for the area, maintenance personnel who work on the tool, the area production supervisor, and others with a vested interest in performance of the production area*. A qualified TPM trainer should act as facilitator for the Initial Clean activity. (Robinson and Ginder 1995) Suzuki suggests seven types of abnormalities that should be the focus of the Initial Clean activity. (Suzuki 1994)(Figure 12)
Figure 12 - Types of Equipment Abnormalities
A TPM jingle associated with Initial Clean summarizes the driving concept.
Clean to Inspect, Inspect to Detect, Detect to Correct, Correct to Perfect!
This concept can be presented graphically, as in Figure 13. (Tajiri and Gotoh 1992)
Figure 13 - The Role of CLEAN in Autonomous Maintenance
The purpose of the Initial Clean is threefold. (Robinson and Ginder 1995)
1. Small Work Groups (also known as Small Group Activity- SGA) are able tojoin together to accomplish a common goal, the cleaning of a particular equipment or area. 2. Promote a better understanding of, and familiarity with, the equipment orprocess area. 3. Uncover hidden defects that, when corrected, have a positive effect one quipment performance.
[Original: Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Concepts and Literature Review by Thomas R. Pomorski, Principal Consulting Engineer, Brooks Automation, Inc.]
*Prior to starting the Initial Clean process, the team should receive training in equipment operationand safety precautions so that the Initial Clean can proceed at no risk to the equipment or the team members.